46. Treatment Block "Urbana West"

Treated in 2002; State: OH;County: Champaign; Quad: Urbana West;
Area: 3 ac.; Max moth counts: 72; Agent: Sevin; Rate/Applications: NA
PPA in 2001: 29; Distance from beginning of STS action zone: 32.30 km
Priority index= 5.67.



Click on maps below to see details!

All treatments in 2002
All treatments in 2003
Mating disruption in 2001
County boundaries
Quad boundaries
Treated = 25.88
Control = 0.41
Maximum = 72
Treated = 0.81
Control = 0.21
Maximum = 1
Treated = 0.47
Control = 0.08
Maximum = -1

Teatment success: T = 0.94. Treatment was successful
Colony presence: C = 3.86. Colony is still presentin 2002
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    For more information, please contact Patrick Tobin or Andy Roberts
    Maintained By Jiang Wu