56. Treatment Block "Hallsville"

Treated in 2002; State: OH;County: Ross; Quad: Hallsville;
Area: 430 ac.; Max moth counts: 173; Agent: Btk; Rate/Applications: 24BIUx1
PPA in 2001: 81; Distance from beginning of STS action zone: -11.00 km
Priority index= 0.00. Reason for treatment: High risk for movement (urban, regulatory, etc.)



Click on maps below to see details!

All treatments in 2002
All treatments in 2003
Mating disruption in 2001
County boundaries
Quad boundaries
Treated = 41.76
Control = 4.71
Maximum = 173
Treated = 0.52
Control = 2.36
Maximum = 1
Treated = 5.94
Control = 3.15
Maximum = -1

Teatment success: T = 0.98. Treatment was successful
Colony presence: C = 0.22. Colony is suppressedin 2002
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    For more information, please contact Patrick Tobin or Andy Roberts
    Maintained By Jiang Wu