Legend to the table of treatment Blocks

  1. Name = name of the treatment block
  2. IDGIS = id of the treatment block (assigned in GIS)
  3. Year = year of the treatment
  4. State = the state
  5. County = the county
  6. Quad = the quad
  7. Area = area of the PPA in sq. km
  8. Agent = treatment agent. Usually it is Btk or MD
  9. Applic = Rate/Applications
  10. N(t-1) = The average population density in the treatment block in the previous year
  11. n(t-1) = The average population density in the control block in the previous year
  12. N(t) = The average population density in the treatment block in the current year
  13. n(t) = The average population density in the control block in the current year
  14. N(t+1) = The average population density in the treatment block in the next year
  15. n(t+1) = The average population density in the control block in the next year
  16. T = Treatment evaluation (>0.66 sucessful, 0.33--0.66 partial successful, <0.33 not successful)
  17. C = Colony presence ( <1 colony is suppressed, <3 may be still present, >3 is still present)
  18. PID = identification number of a potential problem area (PPA). ID is unique within one region (e.g., in VA,WV,NC).
  19. dist = Distance from the beginning of the STS action zone, km
  20. TrapDens(t-1) = Trap density in the treatment block in the previous year
  21. TrapDens(t) = Trap density in the treatment block in the current year
  22. TrapDens(t+1) = Trap density in the treatment block in the next year
  23. max(t-1) = Max trap catch in the treatment block in the previous year
  24. max(t) = Max trap catch in the treatment block in the current year
  25. max(t+1) = Max trap catch in the treatment block in the next year
  26. Priority = PPA priority index

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