Evaluation of Treatments in 1998 in VA, WV, and NC

Index of treatment success
T = 1 - [Nt/Nt -1]*[nt -1/nt]
Index of colony presence
C = Nt/nt

Map of treatment blocks

Table with full information

(view with Excel, see legend)
Treatment Evaluation
Nt and nt are average moth counts in pheromone traps in year t in the treatment block and in the control area around it, respectively. Treatment is done in year t. In the case of mating disruption or intensive trapping, evaluation is performed in year t +1. Thus, Nt and nt in equations for T and C are replaced by Nt+1 and nt+1. If values of nt-1 or nt are less than 0.05, then they are replaced by the value of 0.05 for estimating of T. Treatment is successful if T > 0.67; partially successful if 0.33 < T < 0.67; and unsuccessful if T < 0.33. If C is much >1, then the colony is still present and may require additional treatments.

 #  Block Name                    State County         Agent  Dose    Area,ac    T      T2       C    PPA 
 1  ParkSpring                    NC    Caswell        Bt     2         835     0.92     ---    0.08   72
 2  WolfIslandCreek               NC    Caswell        Bt     2        1502     0.92     ---    1.19   68
 3  DrumHill                      NC    Gates          PF     1         483     0.72    0.99    2.04   144
 4  Riverdale                     NC    Gates          PF     1        1569     1.00    1.00    0.00   133
 5  Winton                        NC    Gates          PF     1         489     1.00    1.00    0.00   134
 6  Riddicksville                 NC    Hertford       PF     1         470     1.00    1.00    0.00   132
 7  Branchville NC                NC    Northhampton   PF     1        1471     1.00    0.93    0.05   120
 8  GumberrySchool                NC    Northhampton   PF     1        2294     0.99    1.00    0.20   108
 9  Nixonton                      NC    Perquimans     PF     1        1437     0.43    0.85    0.63   157
10  DanRiver                      NC    Rockingham     Bt     2        3099     0.48     ---    4.00   54
11  TownCreek                     NC    Rockingham     Bt     2        1082     0.55     ---    0.58   58
12  Check                         VA    Floyd          PF     1         247     0.99    1.00    0.13   48
13  JonesMtn.                     VA    Floyd          PF     1        1112     0.98    0.94    0.28   40
14  Olean                         VA    Giles          Trap   1          15     0.95    0.92    0.11   -1
15  ConnersView                   VA    Patrick        PF     1        1893     1.00    0.97    0.02   40
16  TinsleyKnob                   VA    Patrick        PF     1         321     1.00    0.98    0.00   40
17  Chatham                       VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2        8649     0.89     ---    0.94   66
18  Danville                      VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2        4403     0.95     ---    0.51   68
19  Hopewell                      VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2         537     0.97     ---    0.43   71
20  MtOlivet                      VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2        1236     0.89     ---    1.86   68
21  PleasantGap                   VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2         556     0.86     ---    1.11   73
22  SpringGarden                  VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2        1066     0.39     ---    1.81   66
23  WestoverHills                 VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2         371     0.95     ---    1.07   68
24  Whitmell                      VA    Pittsylvania   Bt     2         556     0.56     ---    5.03   64
25  Branchville                   VA    Southhampton   Bt     2        2251     1.00     ---    0.07   120
26  Courtland                     VA    Southhampton   Bt     2        2224     0.75     ---    5.62   129
27  Drewrysville                  VA    Southhampton   Bt     2        1853     0.95     ---    1.10   118
28  Newsoms                       VA    Southhampton   PF     1         990     0.55    0.94    2.90   125
29  NottowayRiver                 VA    Southhampton   Bt     2         556     0.20     ---    7.64   126
30  WilliamsChapel                VA    Southhampton   Bt     2        1328     0.48     ---    2.92   127
31  CherryGrove                   VA    Suffolk        Bt     2        2309     1.00     ---    0.05   133
32  MiddleMtn.                    VA/WV Alleghany      PF     1         712     1.00    0.98    0.08   44
33  PottsCreek                    VA/WV Craig          PF     1        1051     1.00    0.95    0.02   43
34  Athens                        WV    Mercer         PF     1         304     1.00    1.00    0.02   20
35  Oakvale                       WV    Mercer         PF     1         451     0.99    0.98    0.57   21
36  LittleMtn.                    WV    Monroe         PF     1        1232     1.00    0.94    0.02   37
37  MoncoveLake                   WV    Monroe         PF     1        2470     1.00    0.98    0.04   41
38  KeenyMtn.                     WV    Summers        PF     1        1184     1.00    0.97    0.13   23

PPA = Potential Problem Area, detected by the Decision Algorithm from previous year data.
Treatment agents: Btk (or Bt, BT) = Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki;
MD (or PF) = Mating disruption with pheromone flakes containing disparlure;
NPV = virus, preparation Gypchek;
DIM = Dimilin (=diflubenzuron);
Trap = Mass trapping;

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    For more information, please contact Patrick Tobin or Andy Roberts
    Maintained By Jiang Wu