Evaluation of Treatments in 2004 in WI and MI

Index of treatment success
T = 1 - [Nt/Nt -1]*[nt -1/nt]
Index of colony presence
C = Nt/nt

Map of treatment blocks

Table with full information

(view with Excel, see legend)
Treatment Evaluation
Nt and nt are average moth counts in pheromone traps in year t in the treatment block and in the control area around it, respectively. Treatment is done in year t. In the case of mating disruption or intensive trapping, evaluation is performed in year t +1. Thus, Nt and nt in equations for T and C are replaced by Nt+1 and nt+1. If values of nt-1 or nt are less than 0.05, then they are replaced by the value of 0.05 for estimating of T. Treatment is successful if T > 0.67; partially successful if 0.33 < T < 0.67; and unsuccessful if T < 0.33. If C is much >1, then the colony is still present and may require additional treatments.

 #  Block Name                    State County         Agent  Dose    Area,ac    T      T2       C    PPA 
 1  Ashland2                      WI    Ashland        Btk    24BIUx2  1505     0.78     ---    1.57   299
 2  Bayfield1                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   480     0.98     ---    0.07   203
 3  Bayfield10                    WI    Bayfield       MD     15g      2729     1.00    1.00    0.04   293
 4  Bayfield11                    WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2  1294     0.99     ---    0.10   111
 5  Bayfield12                    WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2  2080     1.00     ---    0.04   296
 6  Bayfield13                    WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   945     1.00     ---    0.00   297
 7  Bayfield14                    WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2  2344     1.00     ---    0.00   68
 8  Bayfield15                    WI    Bayfield       MD     15g       999     1.00    0.50    0.00   67
 9  Bayfield16                    WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   920     0.10     ---    2.44   -1
10  Bayfield3                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   448     0.97     ---    0.33   197
11  Bayfield4                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   279     0.94     ---    0.21   197
12  Bayfield5                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   752     0.98     ---    0.05   124
13  Bayfield6                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2  1325     1.00     ---    0.00   121
14  Bayfield7                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   485     0.94     ---    0.35   115
15  Bayfield8                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   974     0.75     ---    2.74   117
16  Bayfield9                     WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2   339     0.95     ---    0.57   66
17  Green1                        WI    Bayfield       Btk    24BIUx2  2238     0.71     ---    0.80   320
18  Chippewa1                     WI    Chippewa       MD     15g      1070     1.00    1.00    0.00   28
19  EauClaire1                    WI    Chippewa       Btk    24BIUx2  1961     0.81     ---    3.18   62
20  Clark2                        WI    Clark          MD     15g       339     0.94    1.00    0.13   21
21  Clark3                        WI    Clark          MD     6g      16035     0.99    0.97    0.01   19
22  Clark8                        WI    Clark          NPV    5x10^111  512    -0.97     ---    3.40   28
23  Crawford1                     WI    Crawford       Btk    24BIUx2  4719     1.00     ---    0.00   72
24  Crawford2                     WI    Crawford       MD     6g      18393     1.00    1.00    0.00   72
25  Taylor3                       WI    Crawford       MD     6g       5908     0.90    0.65    0.16   -1
26  Dane1                         WI    Dane           Btk    24BIUx2 15755     0.95     ---    0.10   292
27  Dane2                         WI    Dane           Btk    24BIUx2   683     0.82     ---    0.30   292
28  Iowa4                         WI    Dane           Btk    24BIUx2   585     0.45     ---    1.56   292
29  Clark7                        WI    Eau Claire     MD     6g      18749     1.00    1.00    0.00   28
30  Clark9                        WI    Eau Claire     NPV    5x10^111  542     0.81     ---    0.29   28
31  EauClaire2                    WI    Eau Claire     MD     6g       7882     0.95    0.72    0.42   62
32  EauClaire4                    WI    Eau Claire     MD     6g      44158     1.00    1.00    0.00   28
33  EauClaire4a                   WI    Eau Claire     MD     15g     31316     0.90    0.96    0.22   28
34  EauClaire6                    WI    Eau Claire     NPV    5x10^111  301     1.00     ---    0.00   65
35  EauClaire7                    WI    Eau Claire     NPV    5x10^111  731     1.00     ---    0.00   28
36  Grant1                        WI    Grant          Btk    24BIUx2  9810    -3.85     ---   33.99   277
37  Grant2                        WI    Grant          MD     15g     10022     0.99    0.94    0.02   277
38  Green2                        WI    Green          Btk    24BIUx2  1798     0.82     ---    0.42   320
39  Iowa1                         WI    Iowa           Btk    24BIUx2 17299     0.64     ---    1.25   289
40  Iowa2                         WI    Iowa           Btk    24BIUx2  1265     0.81     ---    0.49   -1
41  Iowa3                         WI    Iowa           Btk    24BIUx2  2435     0.74     ---    0.74   -1
42  Iowa5                         WI    Iowa           Btk    24BIUx2  1587     0.80     ---    0.44   32
43  Iron3                         WI    Iron           Btk    24BIUx2  2429     1.00     ---    0.00   307
44  Iron4                         WI    Iron           Btk    24BIUx2  1006     0.97     ---    0.13   299
45  Jackson1                      WI    Jackson        MD     15g     13858     0.96   -2.44    0.13   187
46  Jackson10                     WI    Jackson        MD     6g      11963     0.97    0.88    0.07   199
47  Jackson11                     WI    Jackson        NPV    5x10^111  779     0.67     ---    0.62   -1
48  Jackson2                      WI    Jackson        MD     6g      30422     0.85    0.72    0.28   195
49  Jackson6                      WI    Jackson        MD     15g      4854     1.00    0.88    0.00   189
50  Jackson7                      WI    Jackson        NPV    5x10^111  793     0.27     ---    3.94   187
51  Jackson8                      WI    Jackson        NPV    5x10^111  835    -0.57     ---    6.15   187
52  Jackson9                      WI    Jackson        NPV    5x10^111  823     1.00     ---    0.00   199
53  Monroe1                       WI    Monroe         MD     15g      2810     0.39   -0.72    0.82   -1
54  Monroe2                       WI    Monroe         MD     15g     39007     0.98    0.97    0.03   -1
55  Monroe4                       WI    Monroe         MD     15g      1264     1.00    1.00    0.00   282
56  Monroe5                       WI    Monroe         NPV    5x10^111 2673     1.00     ---    0.00   -1
57  Monroe7                       WI    Monroe         MD     15g      3149     0.80    0.90    0.41   283
58  Monroe8                       WI    Monroe         MD     15g      1273     0.87    0.88    0.33   337
59  Monroe9                       WI    Monroe         NPV    5x10^111  236     1.00     ---    0.00   -1
60  Richland1                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2  1393     1.00     ---    0.01   335
61  Richland2                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2   630     0.29     ---    0.79   -1
62  Richland3                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2  6371     0.94     ---    0.11   81
63  Richland4                     WI    Richland       MD     6g       6403     1.00    0.99    0.00   335
64  Richland5                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2  1019     0.66     ---    0.94   -1
65  Richland6                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2   729     0.98     ---    0.05   76
66  Richland7                     WI    Richland       Btk    24BIUx2  3500     0.77     ---    0.33   -1
67  Sauk3                         WI    Sauk           Btk    24BIUx2  5462     0.17     ---    0.69   34
68  Sauk5                         WI    Sauk           Btk    24BIUx2   286    -1.05     ---    3.06   -1
69  Sauk6                         WI    Sauk           Btk    24BIUx2   278    -1.41     ---    3.07   -1
70  Taylor1                       WI    Taylor         Btk    24BIUx2  2225     0.95     ---    0.10   33
71  Taylor2                       WI    Taylor         Btk    24BIUx2   805     0.87     ---    0.20   212
72  Vernon2                       WI    Vernon         MD     6g      28184     0.84    0.75    0.27   129

PPA = Potential Problem Area, detected by the Decision Algorithm from previous year data.
Treatment agents: Btk (or Bt, BT) = Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki;
MD (or PF) = Mating disruption with pheromone flakes containing disparlure;
NPV = virus, preparation Gypchek;
DIM = Dimilin (=diflubenzuron);
Trap = Mass trapping;

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    For more information, please contact Patrick Tobin or Andy Roberts
    Maintained By Jiang Wu